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Nigeria's Most Inspiring Student Application 2021 is Open!

Nigeria's Most Inspiring Student Application 2021 is Open!

Did you strive through school or juggle your passion with your academics. Or maybe you just consider your story inspiring as a student, here's your chance to get recognised for your resilience, strength and impact.

The Nigeria's 30 Most Inspiring Student by The Studentpreneur Initiative is now open for application and nomination. This year's application opened on November 1st and would close on the 15th of December, 2021.

Nigeria's Most Inspiring Student 2021 is now open for application and nomination. The information on how to apply and get selected for this recognition is also here.

To Apply/Nominate:

  • Go to the website 
  • Click on Programmes & Events
  • Fill the nomination/application form for Nigeria's 30 Most Inspiring Students 2021.
  • Nominees and applicants applicants will be judged against standard criteria and 30 students will be selected.
  • Announcement will be made on the 15th of December, 2021.

Eligibility Criteria

Still a student of a Nigerian higher institution by December 15, 2021

Disqualification Criteria

  • Not sticking to the number count.
  • Inability to validate the story the applicant/nominee has submitted.

What Makes a Strong Application

  • A truly inspiring story in academics or impact in and out of school or life.
  • Recurring nomination from others can also give you an edge.
  • Reference to relevant information to validate ones story.

Share this information with students that you consider their story to be inspiring or nominate a student that deserves this recognition.

Wishing you all the best!
